

Believe in magic

I always get fascinated by the term ‘Fairytale‘ , I m true believer of fairy tales its the only way to exit from reality n be in the world u wanted.
People always advice me about watching n reading fairy tales, they say that it is not going to teach u anything its just a waste of time it only teaches us the way to escape from reality n believe in something that does not exist..
I simply reply ‘ I know fairy tales make us escape from the reality n believe in something that does not exist , but’ as always it gives us new way of thinking about the same thing. I know in realistic world to believe in fairytale is stupid thing to do, but I remember when i was a kid I use to read fairy tales , I started questioning my parents about fairytale and I remember that my parents was not able to give me appropriate answers. But now I started reading fairytales again I started questioning again n now I’m getting my answers , till now I have learned three things that are really important n totally works in realistic world :-

1) Love is the purest emotions of all, without it you are like a stone 💜Snow white survived the sleeping curse by true LOVE’s kiss.

2) Courage to get anything you want u need to be courageous 💜Cinderella went to the ball even though she knew the consequences.

3)Will Power 💜 remember it was hard for little mermaid to walk with legs she was not able to walk instantly after she got legs but her will power gave her power to stand up again n find her true love.

As I always say never lose yourself and lose hope cause when there’s a HOPE you feel that there is always going to be a second chance, so find it, snatch & grab it tightly. Just don’t give up because there is always a happy ending all you need is to work hard for it & have faith in yourself.
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